There are times when I wonder if the stream of ideas for my clients will run dry this week or next. Fortunately, the days are quite rare when panic strikes and I have to rely on reposting a previous image. Concepts from my posts typically come in the early morning as I am planning my activities for the day. Frankly, I don't always know where these ideas are generated. I consider myself a "praying" man, so I do have a sense that there is a D
ivine resource that has been creating since the foundation of time. Today's post did come from wandering around a local store. I discovered upon Post-it® style notes that were attached to a miniature paint roller. So I thought about how that concept could be utilized for one of my clients. I actually thought of using it on my personal Facebook® page with an inspirational quote. Sanity soon set in and I placed the needs of my clients at the head of the line.